㴴字UNICODE编码U+3D34,10进制: 15668,UTF-32: 00003D34,UTF-8: E3 B4 B4。
㴴字位于中日韩统一表意文字扩充A区(CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A)。
(ancient form of 湛) (interchangeable 沈 沉) sink, deep; profound, joy; delight, happy; peaceful (interchangeable 潭) deep water; deep pool, leisurely; relaxed, dewy, full; filled, wet; damp; moist, clear (interchangeable 浸) to dip; to immerse; to soak, swellings; roaring waves and billows, flowing water, (same as 霪 淫) to rain cats and dogs for a long time, a river in ancient times in Henan province Jiyuanxian (blocked)
㴴【巳集上】【水部】 康熙筆画:14画,部外筆画:10画